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| Speech
Introduction Good morning. It is a privilege to be joining you today for this meeting of the American Council of Life Insurers Anti-Money Laundering and Critical Infrastructure Committee. I would like to first thank Governor Frank Keating for his warm introduction and for his leadership not only…
| News
FinCEN announced today the release of a revised CTRC (FinCEN Form 103) and BSA E-File Electronic filing specifications to be effective August 2008. The two documents accompanying this release are for PLANNING ONLY and must not be used for filing until September 1, 2008. This change is required to…
| News
FinCEN announced today the release of a revised Registration of Money Services Business, RMSB, (FinCEN Form 107) to be effective August 2008. The document accompanying this release is for PLANNING ONLY and must not be used for filing (Registration) until September 1, 2008. This change is required…
| Guidance
This guidance originally was issued on October 31, 2005. We have updated the guidance provided in these frequently asked questions at question 7, further coordinating the answer with guidance provided in the final anti-money laundering program rule for insurance companies that was published in the…
| Guidance
Dear [ ]: I am responding to your letter of January 24, 2008 to the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, requesting a ruling as to whether your company [ ] is a money services business. Specifically, you have asked us to determine whether your company is a currency dealer or exchanger or a money…
| Guidance
Dear [ ]: I am responding to your letter of June 29, 2007 to [the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network]. You have requested a ruling as to whether your client, [Forex Company], is a money services business, specifically a currency dealer or exchanger or a money transmitter, as those terms are…
| Guidance
Dear [ ]: I am responding to your letter of September 2, 2005 to [the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network]. You seek a determination as to whether your client, [ ] (the "Company") is a money services business, specifically a currency dealer or exchanger or a money transmitter, as those terms are…
| Speech
Good morning ladies and gentlemen. It is a real pleasure for me to be with you here at this Jewelers Vigilance Committee AML seminar. This is a great opportunity for us to engage in a fruitful dialogue about still relatively new anti-money laundering responsibilities for the dealer industry. I…
| Guidance
This letter is in response to a request from [Service Company], a subsidiary of [Parent], dated June 6, 2007, to the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) for an administrative ruling concerning the treatment under the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) provisions applicable to money services…
| Guidance
The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network ("FinCEN") is issuing this guidance clarifying the risk assessment required to be performed under the Interim Final Rule requiring anti-money laundering programs for dealers in precious metals, precious stones, or jewels ("Interim Final Rule").1 Specifically…