Financial Institutions

Money and Ionic columns

REMINDER: As of April 1, 2013, financial institutions must use the new FinCEN reports, which are available only electronically through the BSA E-Filing System. FinCEN is no longer accepting legacy reports. For more information, click here.


For the definition of Financial Institutions:  Click Here

If you are a current user and are having technical issues – please go to or click the “Technical Issues” button here and submit a request to the Application Service Desk for assistance.

Technical Issues

If you are a registered user of the Financial Industry Portal (FI Portal), login here.

FI Portal Login

If you are a Financial Institution making an initial request for your organization’s users to have access to FinCEN systems (314a, 314b, etc.), provide your contact information by clicking on the “FI Access Request” button. Please use the “Description” field to indicate the systems your institution needs access to, and FinCEN will respond to your request.

FI Access Login