Bank Secrecy Act Filing Information

REMINDER: As of April 1, 2013, financial institutions must use the new FinCEN reports, which are available only electronically through the BSA E-Filing System. FinCEN is no longer accepting legacy reports. For more information, click here.
To File a BSA report please visit us at BSA E-Filing System
To view a BSA report or test your batch filing program please visit us at BSA E-Filing Test System. Do not mail or electronically attempt to file a test report.
Bank Secrecy Act Forms and Filing Requirements
To backfile/amend CTRs
To report a duplicate CTR
FinCEN Educational Pamphlet on the Currency Transaction Reporting Requirement
The CDD Certification Form, APPENDIX A (MS Word or fillable PDF version) is an optional form providing a convenient way for institutions to obtain and record information required by the CDD rule. The MS Word version should be printed out and completed. The PDF version may be completed (filled-in) on a computer then printed out. Make a copy of the certification form and maintain the entity’s financial institution where the account is established.
The electronic version of the FBAR is currently available and must be filed electronically effective July 1, 2013.
- To file an FBAR report
- Line Item Instructions for completing the FBAR (Form 114) (08/2021)
- Record of Authorization to Electronically File FBARs (Form 114a), Note: The 114a may be signed digitally
Click on the above link to open the form to authorize spouse (if filing jointly) or a third party (individual or entity) to file the FBAR on your behalf. This form may be completed and saved electronically. Follow the instructions and complete all of the requested information. The filer and the account owner should maintain a copy of the completed form. The form must be made available upon request by FinCEN or the IRS. - Additional Extension Due to Hurricane Milton (10/11/2024)
- Additional Extension Due to the Terroristic Action in the State of Israel (10/11/2024)
- Additional Extension Due to Hurricane Helene (10/07/2024)
- Additional Extension Due to Tropical Storm Francine (10/07/2024)
- Additional Extension Due to Hurricane Debby (10/07/2024)
- Additional Extension Due to Hurricane Beryl (10/07/2024)
- Extension due to the Terroristic Action in the State of Israel (10/16/2023)
- Additional Extension Due to Natural Disasters (09/08/2023)
- Additional Extension Due to Natural Disasters (10/06/2022)
- Additional Extension Due to Natural Disasters (10/05/2021)
- Additional Extension Due to Natural Disasters (10/06/2020)
- FinCEN Further Extends FBAR Deadline for Certain Financial Professionals (11/20/2024)
- FinCEN Further Extends FBAR Deadline for Certain Financial Professionals (12/20/2023)
- FinCEN Further Extends FBAR Deadline for Certain Financial Professionals (12/09/2022)
- FinCEN Further Extends FBAR Deadline for Certain Financial Professionals (12/13/2021)
- FinCEN Further Extends FBAR Deadline for Certain Financial Professionals (12/11/2020)
- FinCEN Further Extends FBAR Deadline for Certain Financial Professionals (12/20/2019)
- New Due Date for FBARs (03/06/2019)
- Hurricane Florence affected filers (09/26/2018)
- Hurricane Harvey affected filers (10/03/2017)
- Hurricane Irma and Hurricane Maria affected filers (10/03/2017)
- FBAR Filing Requirement for Virtual Currency (12/31/2020)