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| Guidance
The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network is issuing this advisory to U.S. financial institutions so that they may guard against a potential money laundering threat involving Belarusian government senior regime elements (including senior executives in state-owned enterprises), acting individually or…
| Guidance
1. If a business only cashes its own employees’ payroll checks, is it a money services business? As a service to its employees, Business A cashes employee payroll checks issued to the employees by Business A. It does not cash any other checks. These checks may be cashed in amounts exceeding $1,000…
| Administrative Ruling
Dear [ ]: I am writing in response to your letter of November 18, 2004 to the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network requesting, on behalf of the [Regulatory Office], an administrative ruling that interprets the Bank Secrecy Act requirement to report casino currency transactions in excess of $10,000…
| News
The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) announced today that Edward E. Street and the Tonkawa Tribe of Oklahoma consented to the assessment of civil money penalties, in the amounts of $1.5 million and $1 million, respectively. The actions represent the first enforcement actions against an…
| News
William D. Langford, Jr., Associate Director for the Regulatory Policy and Programs Division, is leaving the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network at the end of April to pursue a career as Director of Global AML, Senior Vice President, at JPMorgan Chase & Co. in New York, FinCEN Director Robert…