
Members of the media may email inquiries or interview requests to

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| News
The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network announced today the release of an interim adjustment to its Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years 2003 – 2008. This adjustment to the regular strategic planning cycle covers Fiscal Years 2006-2008 and reflects the organization’s growing role in detecting terrorist…
| Speech
Good Afternoon. It is great to be back in Miami. As some of you in the room may know, I have spent a good deal of time in this region this past month. In fact, my wife is beginning to get suspicious. Convincing her that I am working down here and not playing golf has not been easy. However, I think…
| Administrative Ruling
Dear [ ]: This letter responds to your letters, dated June 18, 2004 and December 7, 2004, to the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (“FinCEN”). In your letters, you request, on behalf of [Casino] and [Casino] (each a “Casino”), an administrative ruling that interprets 31 C.F.R. § 103.22(c)(3),…
| Federal Register Notice
| Federal Register Notice
| Federal Register Notice