Advisory Information
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Issued Date
Fraudulent Use of Canada Post Money Orders

FinCEN Advisory

FinCEN is issuing the following Advisory concerning fraudulent use of Canada Post Money Orders.
Canada Post has provided the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) withinformation that its Money Orders are being counterfeited and sent to unsuspectingU.S. citizens in lieu of payment for services or products purchased through theInternet, or as part of the Nigerian and other fraudulent scams. As part of the scam,the U.S. victims are instructed to cash the fraudulent Canada Post Money Order,and then send or deliver all, or part of the proceeds from the Canada Post MoneyOrder, to the scam artists.
Legitimate Canada Post Money Orders range in amounts $999.99 and less. Allof the counterfeit Canada Post Money Orders, reported by Canada Post, range inamounts much larger than the $999.99 limitation, usually in the tens of thousands.The computer generated counterfeit money orders do not contain the beaverwatermark on the top half of the money orders. The counterfeit money ordersalso contain fraudulent telephone numbers printed on the backsidefor verification purposes.

    Canada Post advised that all Canada Post Money Orders have the following features:
  • a maximum value of $999.99 Canadian or U.S. currency;
  • a Beaver-shaped watermark which is visible when held up to light; (The Beaver-shaped watermark appears on the top half of the money order.)
  • the toll free number 1-800-563-0444, printed on the back of the money order, to verify its validity;
  • rainbow printing; and
  • the serial number, date, office number, and amount which is visible on the reverse side of the money order; however the numbers are inverted.

For further information regarding Canada Post Money Orders, please callDenis Robillard, Officer, Money Order Services, 2701 Riverside Drive, SuiteE0025, Ottawa, ON K1A 0B1, telephone number (613) 734-9772. Forverification purposes only please utilize telephone number 1-800-563-0444.

William J. Fox