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| News
William J. Fox, Director of the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), announced today the appointment of David M. Vogt as Associate Director for Analytics. Mr. Vogt will coordinate FinCEN’s analytic efforts to support its partners in the regulatory, law enforcement and international…
| Testimony
Chairman Shelby, Senator Sarbanes, and distinguished Members of the Committee, I appreciate the opportunity to appear before you to discuss the issues and challenges before us as we attempt to establish an effective and comprehensive antimoney laundering regulatory regime for two diverse and…
| Testimony
Chairman Shelby, Senator Sarbanes, and distinguished Members of the Committee, I appreciate the opportunity to appear before you to discuss the issues and challenges before us as we establish an effective and comprehensive anti-money laundering regulatory regime for two diverse and important…
| Speech
Let me say first how much I appreciate the opportunity to be part of the 22nd annual Cambridge International Symposium on Economic Crime. I am honored to share keynote responsibilities this morning with such a distinguished panel of luminaries. It is also great to have the…